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Vlastimil Hort GM - Sohrab Panday

Checkmate - black wins





[Event "GM Hort Simultaneous exhibition"]
[Site "Leeds University The Riley Sm"]
[Date "1976.01.19"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Hort, Vlastimil"]
[Black "Panday, Sohrab"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A45"]
[Annotator "Sohrab"]
[PlyCount "80"]
[EventDate "1976.01.19"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 Ne4 3. Bf4 g5 {!? this move is not book and a very aggressive
counter by black against the Trompowsky Attack} 4. Be5 f6 5. Bg3 $6 {= ; but
white should exploit the weak h5-e8 diagonal} d5 $6 6. Nd2 Nxd2 7. Qxd2 Nc6 8.
h4 g4 9. h5 $6 {=} e5 10. dxe5 fxe5 11. e3 a6 12. Ne2 Bf5 $6 {+0.4, better was
Be6} 13. c3 $6 {-0.5 better is O-O-O} Bg7 $6 $11 {ok but best was} (13... Qd7
14. Bh4 Be7 15. Bxe7 Nxe7 16. Ng3 O-O-O) 14. Bh4 $6 {inaccuracy by Hort yet
again delaying 0-0-0} (14. O-O-O {equalises} Be6 15. e4 dxe4 16. Qc2 Qf6 17.
Bh4 Qf7 18. b3) 14... Bf6 {a good move neutralising Whites only well placed
piece} 15. Bxf6 Qxf6 16. Ng3 {NB Qxd5 is bad for white as blacks gains control
of both the d and f files} (16. Qxd5 Rd8 17. Qc4 Rf8 18. f3 gxf3 19. gxf3 Be6
$17 {black is winning}) 16... Be6 17. Bd3 e4 18. Be2 Rf8 19. Rf1 Qg5 {?!} ({
better is quick development as in} 19... O-O-O 20. O-O-O Kb8 21. Qc2 Ne5) 20.
O-O-O O-O-O 21. Kb1 Rf6 $6 ({better is} 21... Qe7) 22. Qe1 $6 {This is a
critical position where Hort white needs to equalise by taking advantage of
blacks weak central pawns with Qc2 or c4} (22. Qc2 Qe5 23. c4 Kb8 24. Ka1 h6
25. cxd5 Rxd5 26. Qxe4 $11) (22. c4 Kb8 23. Qc2 Rdf8 24. cxd5 Bxd5 25. Nxe4
Bxe4 26. Qxe4 Rxf2 $11) 22... Bf7 $2 {Pointless move - loses my advantage
trying to grab the h pawn I should have played Rdf8} (22... Rdf8 $17 {was much
better}) 23. c4 $1 {a cunning move by Hort} Bxh5 $2 $16 {persisting in my
misguided materialism !} 24. cxd5 Rxd5 $4 {[#] A blunder - not sensing the
danger of a combination  Best was Nxe5 =  See Diagram Can you see how Hort
should punish me here?      1 min 2 min 3 min  4 min 5 min  times up          
 How did you get on? space space space} (24... Ne5 $1 $11) 25. Nxh5 $1 (25.
Nxe4 $4 {Tempting but wrong! Black can pin the knight with either Qg6 or Bg6})
25... Qxh5 (25... Rxd1+ $2 26. Qxd1 {and black cannot recapture the knight on
h5 because of Bxg4+ winning the queen!}) 26. Rh1 $2 {??? -0.83 Terrible
oversight by Hort !    I was a condemned man who was given a last minute
reprieve  ....26 Bxg4+ wins the exchange and then likely the game  + 1.75} (26.
Bxg4+ Qxg4 27. Rxd5 Qg8 28. Rd1 Qf7 29. g3 Kb8 30. Qd2 h6) 26... Rxd1+ 27. Qxd1
Qf7 $6 {better was Qg6 -0.70} 28. Bxg4+ Kb8 29. f4 Rd6 $6 (29... exf3 30. Bxf3
Rd6 31. Qa4 Ne5) 30. Qb3 $6 (30. Qe1 $11) 30... Qg7 $1 $17 31. Bh3 $6 Rd3 $1
32. Qe6 $6 (32. Qc4 {better}) 32... Rxe3 $1 33. f5 $2 {-3.0 Blunder - this
attractive attacking pawn advance is premature} ({better is} 33. Qc4 Qg3 34.
Bd7 Qxg2 35. Rc1 Re2 36. Qc3 $17) 33... Qd4 34. Bg4 $2 {-6.0 error} (34. f6 Re2
35. Qg8+ Ka7 36. Qb3 Qxf6 $17) 34... Qd3+ $5 {a strong move with a win in mind
but there was a stronger move Ne5} (34... Ne5 {-6.0 v strong} 35. Qf6 Rd3 36.
Qh8+ Ka7 37. Ka1 Nxg4 38. Qxd4+ Rxd4) 35. Ka1 Nd4 $3 36. Qg8+ Ka7 37. Rd1 $4 {
[#] #-4 = mate for black who had to try....  . . . . . . . . ..} ({the only
defense which is still a slow loss however} 37. Bd1 {-5.0} Re2 38. a3 Rd2 39.
Ba4 Nxf5) 37... Nc2+ $3 {the point of 35.Nd4!} 38. Kb1 Na3+ 39. Ka1 Qb1+ 40.
Rxb1 Nc2# {Philidor would be proud} 0-1